How to Prepare for Selling Your Business

Are you ready to sell your business? As a business owner, you have got to prepare your business for sale on the market if you want it to sell quickly and for the right price. In this video, owner and CEO of Vested Business Brokers discusses the importance of preparing a business for sale…

Vested Business Brokers helps people buy and sell profitable privately held businesses.

We are entrepreneurs and we know what the kind of effort it takes to grow a business and we know what you had to do in terms of time, effort and personal sacrifice to make your business the profitable income producer it is today.

But now you’re in a position in your life where you want to sell this business you’ve spent so much time and effort to build.

So, how are you going to do this? How are you going to find someone to buy your business and pay you an amount of money that makes all of your toil worthwhile?

This is where we come in…

At Vested Business Brokers we have successfully closed more than 1000 transactions. Our goal is to bring buyers and sellers together and ultimately we look to achieve an outcome which all parties can feel good about.

We like to say that there are no stupid buyers and no stupid sellers. All parties want to get a great deal…and we help each party feel that way in the end.

Preparing Your Business For Sale…

It all begins here. As a seller, you have got to prepare your business for sale on the market. You simply will NOT get what your business is worth if you do not prepare for sale properly.

What does this mean?

Call us today to speak to one of our Vested Business Brokers who is specifically trained by us to help you through the complete process of selling your business.

You can reach Vested Business Brokers at: (877) 735-5224

Advantages to Buying a Business vs. Starting a New One

Is it better to buy an existing business or start a new one from scratch? This is a question entrepreneurs ask all time. In this video, Vested Business Brokers owner and CEO, Nathan Goldsteiin offers his opinion…

Buying a Business Vs. Starting a New One

The truth is that most businesses fail due to the following reasons:

  1. They’re under-capitalized
  2. They’re over-utilized
  3. The owners/managers don’t have the requisite knowledge base
  4. The wrong location is chosen

When you start a new business you have no idea if it will be a success or a failure. There are just too many unknown variables in play to know for sure if your new venture will be a success.

In contrast, when you buy an existing business, you have the opportunity to “take a look under the hood” BEFORE buying. You can see whether or not the business you’re considering is a profitable one

When you start a new business you can’t do that – you just don’t have that luxury.

For this reason alone we at Vested Business Brokers strongly suggest that the smartest move is to buy an existing, profitable business.

Take Your Time When Buying a Business…

We encourage our buyer clients to take their time and do their due diligence before buying. Have your attorney and accountant analyze what you’re thinking of buying.

Letter of Intent…

Once you have done your due diligence and the business you’re looking at passes muster you need to move quickly. Lock up the business by doing a Letter of Intent (LOI). A Letter of Intent is a non binding document that will lock in the price and the terms of sale for your purchase of the business.

We want you to know that you don’t have to go through the business buying process on your own. We are experts in buying and selling businesses. It’s what we do…and have done more than 1000 times since 2001.

We wish you all the best and if you need help give us a call at (877) 735-5224.

How to Analyze a Business for Sale

“What type of business is the best one to buy?” This is a great question, and it’s one we get asked quite often a Vested Business Brokers. In this video, Vested’s owner and CEO, Nathan Goldstein reveals his process for deciding what kind of business to buy…

First of all you should always make sure the business you’re looking to buy is a PROFITABLE one. Next, you might want to consider buying a business that fits your personality, especially if you’re planning on using your specific skill-set in order to grow the business.

The “SWOT” Analysis

Before buying a business for sale you should always do what’s called a SWOT Analysis, which stands for:

  • Strengths
  • Weaknesses
  • Opportunities
  • Threats

By understanding and analyzing a potential business to this degree you will be in a better position to make the right decision when buying a business for sale.

At Vested Business Brokers we help business buyers do their SWOT Analysis. If you’re looking to buy a business give us a call at (877) 735-5224 today to speak with one of our experienced business brokers.

Selling Your Business: Advantages of the Non-Exclusive Listing Agreement

One of the advantages of engaging Vested Business Brokers to help you sell your business is the fact that Vested offers “non-exclusive” listing agreements to their “seller” clients. In this video, Nathan Goldstein, owner and CEO of Vested Business Brokers discusses the benefits of using a non-exclusive listing agreement when you’re trying to sell your business

This is Nathan Goldstein of Vested Business Brokers. We have helped people buy, grow, and sell profitable, privately owned businesses since 2001 and we have closed more than 1000 transactions over that period of time.

Okay…so you’re ready to sell your business, right? You’ve been bombarded by companies sending you letters telling you how wonderful they are…

Then you go check them out on the Internet and you discover that these companies despite talking a good game have only 20 listings in their portfolio…

What does this mean? It probably means that if you use their services you’ll be waiting a long time to sell you business.

Why? Because qualified buyers go to the firms with the most amount of listings and sellers go to the firms with the most amount of buyers.

Is that fair? Who cares! You want to sell you business, right?

At Vested Business Brokers we have approximately 120,000 active buyers in our database. And our website,, get about 1000 hits a day (mostly unique hits) from people who find us online because they are looking for great business listings.

Today, I’d like to talk to you about “exclusive” and “non-exclusive” listing agreements.

When you list with a broker under an “exclusive” agreement you are in effect telling that broker that he will be paid upon the sale of your business whether or not he is the one who brings you the buyer who ultimately buys your business.

Under a “non-exclusive” listing agreement the broker only get paid a commission if he brings you the buyer who ultimately buys your business.

At Vested we offer non-exclusive listing agreements to all of our seller clients. This way if we help you by find you the buyer who eventually buys your business then we “earn” a commission fee.

However, under a non-exclusive agreement you can sell the business on you own, and we would NOT earn a fee.

The non-exclusive agreement give you, the seller, the most flexibility and in our opinion, this is the fairest way to proceed with our seller clients.

Call us for a free business evaluation at (877) 735-5224.

Vested Business Brokers – Client Testimonial from

Vested Business Brokers has more than 1000 satisfied clients. In this video Kayel D’Angelis, owner of, discusses how Vested Business Brokers helped him find the profitable and scalable business he now enjoys running from his office in Bohemia, NY.

Vested Business Brokers is a full service business brokerage which helps people buy and sell profitable privately owned businesses.

If you are frustrated by your current employment or line of work, just like Kayel was, then feel free to contact Vested Business Brokers at (877) 735-5224 and speak with one of our experienced brokers…or even with our owner, Nathan Goldstein,

And, if you currently own a business but you’re ready to retire, or get into something new, then call Vested at (877) 735-5224. We attract thousands of potential business buyers every day to our website, We profile every buyer so that we will only send you someone who has been qualified as a “fit” to buy your business.