Businesses for Sale in Massachusetts
- Absentee business
- Advertising/ printing
- Apparel and accessory store
- Assets only sale
- Automotive dealers/ auto retail
- Bar/tavern/night clubs
- Bldg materials/hardware/garden
- Business with property available
- Car wash
- Carpet flooring sales installation
- Catering and event planning
- Cleaning services
- Construction building
- Construction special trades
- Convenience store
- Delicatessen/catering services
- Educational services / schools
- Florists
- General merchandise store
- Gift and specialty retail
- Homebased business
- Ice cream parlour/frozen yogurt stores
- Internet business services b2b
- Jewelry store
- Landscaping yard services
- Liquor store/ wine
- Misc construction/nonclassifiable
- Misc retail/nonclassifiable
- Misc service/nonclassifiable
- Must sell/drastic price reduction
- Nonclassifiable establishments
- Other business services
- Other eating drinking places
- Other food stores
- Other personal services
- Owner financing available
- Pizza parlour
- Printing/publishing
- Repair services
- Restaurant/ cafes/ diners
- Schools/ education
- Web design/ tech services
- Wedding gowns/accessories