Businesses for Sale in New York
- Absentee business
- Accounting/payroll/tax
- Adult homecare assisted living
- Advertising/ printing
- Agents/brokers
- Agricultural supplies
- Amusement parks/arcades/recreation
- Apparel and accessory store
- Art galleries
- Art/mirror/framing retail
- Assets only sale
- Auto body/collision repair
- Auto repair
- Auto/truck mechanical repair
- Automotive dealers/ auto retail
- Aviation
- Bagel stores
- Bakers confectioners
- Bank financeable
- Bar/tavern/night clubs
- Beer distributor
- Bicycle shop
- Bldg materials/hardware/garden
- Business with property available
- Business/office supplies
- Car wash
- Card shop/stationery store
- Carpet flooring sales installation
- Catering and event planning
- Cleaning services
- Computer software services
- Construction building
- Construction heavy
- Construction special trades
- Convenience store
- Day care center
- Delicatessen/catering services
- Dental practice/laboratory/supply
- Domain names/ basic sites
- Dry cleaning/ laundry services
- Durable medical equipment
- Durable medical equipment wholesale
- Educational services / schools
- Electric gas water sanitary svcs
- Electronics technology
- Engineering accounting services
- Entertainment
- Equipment rental and sales
- Fast food franchise
- Florists
- Freight moving/delivery/storage/warehousing
- Gasoline service station
- General merchandise store
- Gift and specialty retail
- Gift basket companies
- Graphic designs
- Green businesses
- Green grocers / fruit sellers
- Gym/health club
- Hair salon/ barber shop
- Health/beauty/nutrition supply
- Health/medical/dental practices
- Healthcare related services
- Home furniture/ furnishings
- Homebased business
- Hotel / motel other lodging
- Hr/ staffing/employment
- Hvac
- Ice cream parlour/frozen yogurt stores
- Illness forces sale
- Insurance companies
- Interior decorator/design
- Internet business services b2b
- Internet businesses
- Internet consumer services b2c
- Jewelry store
- Kosher
- Landscaping yard services
- Laundromats
- Liquor store/ wine
- Marine dealers equipment
- Marine repair parts services
- Medical/surgical/hospital equipment supplies
- Membership organizations
- Mfg businesses
- Misc agriculture
- Misc construction/nonclassifiable
- Misc internet/technology/nonclassifiable
- Misc manufacturing/nonclassifiable
- Misc retail/nonclassifiable
- Misc service/nonclassifiable
- Misc wholesale/distribution/nonclassifiable
- Must sell/drastic price reduction
- Nail salons
- Nonclassifiable establishments
- Nutrition health food
- Optical
- Other business services
- Other eating drinking places
- Other food stores
- Other personal services
- Owner financing available
- Pack ship store
- Passenger transportation / ambulette
- Passenger transportation / limo/ bus companies
- Pet care grooming/ kennels
- Pet shop/supplies
- Pharmacies
- Photo studio/development
- Pizza parlour
- Printing/publishing
- Professional services
- Repair services
- Restaurant/ cafes/ diners
- Routes
- Salvage/recycling/waste management
- Sandwich shops
- Schools/ education
- Screen printing embroiderypromotional products
- Security and alarm services
- Shoe repair
- Sign business
- Smoke shop/tobacconist
- Software
- Spa / dayspa / skin care
- Sporting goods/ exercise/ gyms
- Sports complex
- Sports/archery
- Storage facility
- Supermarket
- Tanning salon
- Vending machines
- Web design/ tech services
- Wedding gowns/accessories
- Wholesale/dist businesses
- Wireless mobile phone