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Drop-Off Dry Cleaners for Sale in Manhattan - 30392

Business Type: cleaning services,misc. service/non-classifiable,must sell/drastic price reduction!,other personal services,dry cleaning/ laundry services
Drop-Off Dry Cleaners for Sale in Manhattan
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General Information
Asking Price $125,000 Down Payment $125,000
Gross Revenues $174,000 Lease Remaining Register Free to View
Owner’s Cash Flow $70,000 Number of FT Employees Register Free to View


$125,000 Down and Make your best all-down offer!

Business Description

Must-Sell: Price Recently Reduced on this 5-year old Drop-Off Dry Cleaners with plenty of growth ahead of it. Leading up to the pandemic, this business had been ramping up its sales at a brisk pace. A newly-built luxury high-rise had just opened for occupancy right across the street in this up & coming section of Harlem. Many of its first tenants have now become regular customers. A veteran of the dry cleaning business, the seller will teach you everything you need to know to run and expand it. The lease is only $2,150/month for 800 sq. ft. and the store is located on a main avenue no less. The rent only goes up by $50 each year. There's lots of foot traffic going by every day. As more & more luxury high-rises go up in this ever-gentrifying neighborhood, The growth potential here becomes unlimited. Also, as more people go back to their office, the demand will pick up for business attire to be dry cleaned. The landlord stands ready to give you a new 10 year lease at no more than the current base rent. Please be very discreet when you pass by the store, customers do not know it's for sale.

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Disclaimer: The financial information in this business listing has been provided by the Seller. Vested Business Brokers, Ltd. (VBB) has not independently verified this information. Therefore, we make no claims as to the accuracy of this financial summary. Vested recommends that you consult with an accountant, attorney and/or other professionals to represent and assist you in any business transaction. One of our associate brokers will arrange a meeting between you, your representatives, and the Seller, but they are not authorized to make any representations or warranties on behalf of the seller or VBB. You agree to hold Vested Business Brokers and its associated brokers harmless for any misrepresentations made by seller.