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Business for Sale Summary

Full Service Print Shop - 4890

Business Type: advertising/ printing,misc. service/non-classifiable,mfg businesses,printing/publishing
Full Service Print Shop
On , The Undersigned
Acted as the Advisor to the Deal
Vested Corporate
Vested Corporate Senior Broker
Servicing: This Broker is Servicing All of States
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Financial Information (non-confidential)

General Information
Asking Price $550,000 Down Payment $300,000
Gross Revenues $938,000 Lease Remaining Register Free to View
Owner’s Cash Flow $184,418 Number of FT Employees Register Free to View


$300,000 Down and $250,000 over 5 yrs @9%

Business Description

Full service Printer with great reputation and over 500 active accounts that are very stable. This is an attractive, clean store, on a busy main street, near the center of town. Staff is loyal and very knowledgeable. New owner does not need to initially have any print/graphics skills to successfully run this opportunity. Equipment includes modern 5 digital copiers, 3 presses, cutters, and binders. This Print Shop has been in this location since 1979, but as the printing industry has evolved it is no longer necessary to maintain as large a retail presence. Less than 20% of revenues are walk-ins and it is estimated that the current space (and the associated rent) can be reduced by half. The shop is known for its good service and customers have remained very loyal. Revenues can be increased by adding an outside sales rep, more advertising, or the new owner being more aggressive targeting new accounts.

Disclaimer: The financial information in this business listing has been provided by the Seller. Vested Business Brokers, Ltd. (VBB) has not independently verified this information. Therefore, we make no claims as to the accuracy of this financial summary. Vested recommends that you consult with an accountant, attorney and/or other professionals to represent and assist you in any business transaction. One of our associate brokers will arrange a meeting between you, your representatives, and the Seller, but they are not authorized to make any representations or warranties on behalf of the seller or VBB. You agree to hold Vested Business Brokers and its associated brokers harmless for any misrepresentations made by seller.