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Closing Date: 06/29/2022
Business for Sale Summary

Growing Florist for sale in Brooklyn, NY - 31668

Business Type: absentee business,agricultural supplies,misc. retail/non-classifiable,misc. service/non-classifiable,other business services,owner financing available,florists
Growing Florist for sale in Brooklyn, NY
On June 29th 2022, The Undersigned
Acted as the Advisor to the Deal
Melvin L. Vaz
Melvin L. Vaz Senior Broker
Servicing: All of NY
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Attention Business Owners: We are always in search of quality businesses to list, so if you are thinking of selling your business or would like to acquire another business, please email us at listingmanager@vestedbb.com or call us at 1(877) 735-5224 to discover the difference that is Vested Business Brokers.

Financial Information (non-confidential)

General Information
Asking Price $450,000 Down Payment $450,000
Gross Revenues $900,000 Lease Remaining Register Free to View
Owner’s Cash Flow $450,000 Number of FT Employees Register Free to View


$450,000 Down and Possible for a qualified buyer.

Business Description

Growing Florist with high margins in busy Brooklyn area. This business has been on an upward trend since it opened a few years ago. Sales actually increased in 2020. In fact, they just moved to larger 1200 sq. ft. space with very low overhead. The rent is only $2,600/mth. (includes gas, water and electric utilities. There is also a back room with separate entrance that has a full bathroom including a shower. The back room can be used as an office or a place to rest at night) with 7 years remaining on the current lease. They work primarily with schools, funeral homes and churches in the area with repeat purchases from current customers, both walk-ins and website orders. 2020 sales were $900,000.00 (35% online sales, 15% retail walk-in and 50% contract funeral work) with a cash flow of $450,000.00. No Teleflora or FTD. It is ideal for a floral designer who wants a business that is in the green. A new owner can re-capture a good portion of the cost of this business if purchased in time for the upcoming holidays. Demand should only grow as the Covid recovery continues. There are 4 F/T employees. An owner can be present if he/she chooses, but this business is automated and the employees are willing to stay with new owner after transition. A new owner does not need to have floral experience, but should come weekly to keep up to date with inventory and collect money in the register. This business is 80% credit card and check transactions. This business is rated 5 stars with over 179 Google reviews. Once purchased the current owner will help with the transition, introduce the new owner to contacts and explain the current market strategy. The new owner can use all the tools the current owner prepared for the business including kiosks, website, blogs, books and other sales and marketing efforts that can increase business production. The current owner is selling the business as he currently wants to pursue other ventures and move out of New York City The current owner will provide a 60 day transition and help the new owner with understanding the business model. Further, the current owner will help with marketing/sales and show you how to keep current contracts as well as help close new contracts and teach the business sales and structure along the way. We are seeking a serious and financially qualified buyer with at least $450K in liquid funds. All site visits must be discreet. Please do not speak with anyone when visiting the location. All meetings must be scheduled by appointment only! Attention Business Owners: We are always in search of quality businesses to list, so if you are thinking of selling your business or would like to acquire another business, please email us at listingmanager@vestedbb.com or call us at 1-877-735-5224 to discover the difference that is Vested Business Brokers.

Disclaimer: The financial information in this business listing has been provided by the Seller. Vested Business Brokers, Ltd. (VBB) has not independently verified this information. Therefore, we make no claims as to the accuracy of this financial summary. Vested recommends that you consult with an accountant, attorney and/or other professionals to represent and assist you in any business transaction. One of our associate brokers will arrange a meeting between you, your representatives, and the Seller, but they are not authorized to make any representations or warranties on behalf of the seller or VBB. You agree to hold Vested Business Brokers and its associated brokers harmless for any misrepresentations made by seller.

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