Financing: $150,000.00 Down and balance of $100k with terms tbd Reason for Selling:Retirement Certified Home Healthcare Agency for Sale. This Agency is 12 years old. It is a skilled and non-skilled agency.
The agency is contracted with Medicaid, Texas Childrens Health Plan, Humana Tricare, Superior Health Plan abnd Aetna. A new owner can add new MCO insurances.
It currently has 1 patient as the owner has begun to reduce the business in order to retire. There are 4 employees all of which are RNs.
The staff will remain with a new owner to rebuild the business. The business does not currently have Medicare Certification but that can be applied for.
Since it is not Medicare Certified there are no Medicare claw backs pending. There are 4 private insurances in place currently.
Texas Health & Human Services survey was completed in December, 2024. There were zero deficiencies or violations.
A new owner could grow this agency in it's current location or it could be moved to a different city in Texas. Please call listing Broker, Gary Meyn for more information 210-912-0120.
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Disclaimer: The information in these listings have been provided by the Seller and Vested Business Brokers, Ltd. has not independently verified this information and has no responsibility for its accuracy or completeness. Vested recommends that you consult with an accountant, attorney and other professionals to represent and assist you in any transaction. Vested's associate brokers will arrange a meeting between you, your representatives and the Seller, but is not authorized to make any representations or warranties. You agree to hold Vested and its associated brokers harmless of any misrepresentations made by seller. |
1(877) 735-5224 | 24 Woodbine Ave, Suite #204 Northport, NY 11768 | vestedbb.com |