Financing: $70,000.00 Down and $52K over terms TBD. Reason for Selling:Focusing on other opportunities. Laundry Route - Servicing Suffolk County. THIS IS NOT A LAUNDROMAT, BUT A LAUNDRY ROUTE. They currently have approx. 318 accounts that are serviced at a third-party laundromat.
$0 MARKETING BUDGET. A new owner can continue to use that laundromat or find a new location. THE CURRENT OWNER ONLY WORKS 15-20 HRS/WK ON AVERAGE.
This would be an ideal add-on to a buyer who currently owns a laundromat in Suffolk County. Route Gross profit before tax is 62%.
With seasonal/summer customers an additional $10,000 will be realized in 2018. Total profit without reducing costs will exceed $70,000 on $113,000 of revenue.
They are the lowest price service in the area. Customers who pay by credit now represent approximately 70% of Revenue.
Corporate customers paying by check are under contract. Very few pay with cash. 75% of our customers are recurring weekly/bi-weekly or monthly.
20% are recurring, but call at their convenience. 5% are new or random. We are seeking a serious and financially qualified buyer with at least $70K in liquid funds to cover the downpayment.
To learn more, please call the broker at 1-877-735-5224.
Disclaimer: The information in these listings have been provided by the Seller and Vested Business Brokers, Ltd. has not independently verified this information and has no responsibility for its accuracy or completeness. Vested recommends that you consult with an accountant, attorney and other professionals to represent and assist you in any transaction. Vested's associate brokers will arrange a meeting between you, your representatives and the Seller, but is not authorized to make any representations or warranties. You agree to hold Vested and its associated brokers harmless of any misrepresentations made by seller. |
1(877) 735-5224 | 24 Woodbine Ave, Suite #204 Northport, NY 11768 | vestedbb.com |