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This Business has been Sold!
Closing Date: 11/24/2018
Business for Sale Summary

Sandwich Franchise in Philadelphia County, PA - 30164

Business Type: convenience store,delicatessen/catering services,fast food franchise,nutrition & health food,other eating & drinking places,other food stores,restaurant/ cafes/ diners
Sandwich Franchise in Philadelphia County, PA
On November 24th 2018, The Undersigned
Acted as the Advisor to the Deal
Vested Corporate
Vested Corporate Senior Broker
Servicing: This Broker is Servicing All of States
Attention Business Owners: We are always in search of quality businesses to list, so if you are thinking of selling your business or would like to acquire another business, please email us at listingmanager@vestedbb.com or call us at 1(877) 735-5224 to discover the difference that is Vested Business Brokers.

Financial Information (non-confidential)

General Information
Asking Price $400,000 Down Payment $400,000
Gross Revenues $700,000 Lease Remaining Register Free to View
Owner’s Cash Flow $153,000 Number of FT Employees Register Free to View


$400,000 Down and

Business Description

Opened in 2009 as part of the fastest growing QSR in the country. Located in the heart of Center City. Expansive delivery area, including two major hospitals, high rise office buildings in the financial and business districts, strong residential community, multiple colleges and tons of retail business. Delivery area is approximately 120 square blocks- all easily and quickly accessible by bike delivery. High volume of in-store, catering and delivery business, consisting of made-to-order sandwiches with fresh, high-quality ingredients and fresh-baked bread. This is one of the highest volume stores on the market, and is being sold as a package with another high-volume store. Refer to VestedBB listing number 30165. Call today for more information.

Attention Business Owners: We are always in search of quality businesses to list, so if you are thinking of selling your business or would like to acquire another business, please email us at listingmanager@vestedbb.com or call us at 1-877-735-5224 to discover the difference that is Vested Business Brokers. kg

Disclaimer: The financial information in this business listing has been provided by the Seller. Vested Business Brokers, Ltd. (VBB) has not independently verified this information. Therefore, we make no claims as to the accuracy of this financial summary. Vested recommends that you consult with an accountant, attorney and/or other professionals to represent and assist you in any business transaction. One of our associate brokers will arrange a meeting between you, your representatives, and the Seller, but they are not authorized to make any representations or warranties on behalf of the seller or VBB. You agree to hold Vested Business Brokers and its associated brokers harmless for any misrepresentations made by seller.

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